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July 28, 2018

Hundreds of blokes paying for £5,000 cosmetic surgery ops to boost their girth so they measure up in bed.

Penis enlargements could become as popular as boob jobs as one leading clinic say they up to 30 blokes a month visit them for filler injections.

HUNDREDS of blokes are turning to £5,000 cosmetic surgery to boost their girth so they measure up in the bedroom.

The revelation comes as a survey revealed what women really want when it comes to tackle — and it’s greater circumference.

Research also shows most blokes might not meet their expectations.

Now men aged 20 to 70 are undergoing the procedure that one day could be just as fashionable as a boob job.

One leading clinic said up to 30 blokes a month are booking in to have filler injected into their penis to boost its girth.

Enlargement procedures cost between £1,000 and £5,000 in the private sector.

Researchers presented women with 27 different-sized models of the male sex organ and asked which was the ideal size.

Only one in ten are happy with a length of less than six and a half inches while 36 per cent want their man to pack more than eight and a half.

The poll by Moorgate Andrology showed that girth is a big concern with 40 per cent looking for more than five inches.

Only three per cent would be satisfied with less than four inches.

The UK average is four and a half.

Expert Dr Greta Peciulyte said: “Demand is growing as more and more men hear about what can be done for them.

“The subject of penis size is becoming less taboo. It is about body image and confidence.”

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