Have you ever heard about penis enlargement injections?
Thickening the penis with penis enlargement injections have become very popular in the past few years.
If you don’t want surgery, or you find it too expensive, then there is another way to thicken the penis without surgery, and that is penis enlargement injections with either hyaluronic acid or bio collagen stimulators.
Hyaluronic acid (HA) is used all over the world , mostly in facial rejuvenation. It also works perfectly well in thickening the penis. The most popular hyaluronic acid used in penis enlargement is Juvederm Voluma.
In most cases between 10 and 20 ml of Voluma is required to thicken the penis significantly, The more hyaluronic acid that is injected, the thicker the penis will become. At around 15ml of HA injected, the penis will be approximately one inch thicker.
Over time hyaluronic acid breaks down in the body. At around 12 to 18 months you will require a top up treatment. Generally, about half of the original amount will be required.
The other option to thicken the penis without surgery is Ellanse. This product is different from hyaluronic acid. It works by stimulating your body’s own collagen production. The main advantage of Ellanse over hyaluronic acid is that it lasts longer, up to four years depending on the type of Ellanse used.
An initial thickening is gained through the introduction of a gel carrier which completely breaks down over three months to be replaced by your own collagen. Because Ellanse lasts longer it works our cheaper over the medium to long term.
Either option to enlarge your penis, results in less downtime than surgery. It is advisable not to have sex for at least one week after treatment. If you have sex too early you can cause the material to migrate and cause lump formations.
Most men go back to work immediately and apart from some temporary bruising there are very few problems afterwards.
If you would like to find out more about penis enlargement injections please visit www.moorgateandrology.co.uk